Curly hair is not for the weak. I hardly ever go a week without considering shaving my head and going bald (some people rock it… I could not). I am always trying new things with my hair routine, and while it makes me feel insane sometimes, it can actually be super easy if you let it be.
I started really looking after my hair and creating actual curly routine about four years ago. Since then, I have learned a lot about my hair, what works for me, how I like my hair, and the lengths I will go to make my hair look good for the week (spoiler: it’s not that far).
Here is the best easy and quick(ish) curly hair routine to make your curls look good and last for several days—
Some tips to preface:
- Everyone’s hair is different.
What works for my hair may not work for everyone else’s hair. Take these tips and try them but tweak them to your hair. Listen to your hair to learn what works best for you and what will make your hair look its best.
- DO NOT wash your hair every day.
Even if you do not have curly hair, this is important. Washing your hair every day rids it of its natural oils, which you need, and can make your hair frizzier and brittle.
I only wash my hair once a week, but if you currently wash your hair every day, train your hair so that it gets used to being washed less. Start with washing it every other day, then every three days.
The main reason I wash my hair once a week is because that’s really all I have time and motivation for. I know it’s more common to wash your hair every 4-5 days, though, so do whatever you feel best with and whatever works for your schedule.
Here’s my recommended hair routine that’s easy but still makes for nice, long-lasting curls:
- Wash your hair like normal.
Nothing fancy has to happen when you are actually washing your hair, because it’s the stuff you do after that matters the most.
I would recommend shampooing your hair twice (shampoo, lather, rinse, shampoo, lather, rinse, then condition), but, since this is a “lazy” routine, shampooing once is okay.
- First step of actually styling your hair: brush it!
After you are completely out of the shower, re-wet your hair again if you need to (because we want it to be properly drenched for the best results), and then brush it.
I would recommend brushing with your head upside down to get more volume, but if you are not looking for volume, brushing as normal is okay. If you are going to brush your hair upside down for this step, make sure to do the rest of the steps upside down as well (it’s worth it, I promise)
- Our first product: curl cream
This stuff is ESSENTIAL to bring out your curl pattern. Put a generous amount on your hands and distribute it evenly throughout your hair. You want enough to make your hair hold a straight-ish shape when you run it through your hair slowly.
I use Cantu’s Coconut Curling Cream.
OPTIONAL: for better results, I would recommend putting in leave-in conditioner BEFORE this step. However, not using it still gets you good results. I recently bought Cantu’s Leave-in Conditioning Cream to try because I’ve had very good results with their curling cream.
- Hair gel
Another essential product. After your curl cream, get a small amount of hair gel that is specifically for curly hair (I use Eco Style Coconut Oil Styling Gel—I cannot recommend this brand enough) and distribute it evenly through your hair. I have medium length hair, so I use a little more than a quarter size amount of gel. Adjust according to your hair length.
Do not scrunch until it is distributed evenly, and when you do scrunch, make sure that your hair is upside-down (if it’s not already, VERY CAREFULLY adjust your head so is it).
OPTIONAL: I would recommend also scrunching in hair mousse after putting in gel, especially if you want volume. I use Suave Max Hold Volumizing Mousse.
- Scrunch with a microfiber towel
Use a microfiber towel or a t-shirt to scrunch your hair some more. DO NOT use a regular towel, it will mess with the curls and make your hair frizzy when it dries.
Our goal here is not to dry the hair, but to scrunch out some of the water to make drying faster while also solidifying the curls.
- Let it dry!
Place your hair right side up again and allow it to dry. To dry it faster, you can diffuse your hair, but quite frankly, it’s kind of exhausting to do. If you do diffuse it, though, only use COLD AIR on a LOW SETTING. Dry your roots first, then hover around your head for a while to begin the cast.
(The cast is the crunchiness you feel whenever you dry your hair that has products in it. THIS IS WHAT WE WANT. Don’t be afraid of the cast.)
You can eventually scrunch your hair gently and slowly with the diffuser to further dry it. DO NOT touch your hair with your bare hands when you are doing this, and DEFINITELY do not scrunch your hair here.
When your hair is 60-70% dry, let it air dry the rest of the way.
Now, if you do not feel like diffusing (which is also very valid), just let your hair air dry. Avoid touching it and avoid going outside in windy or below freezing weather until it is fully dry.
- Hair oil!
Another essential if you want your hair to last. Once your hair is completely dry, it should feel stiff and crunchy to the touch. This is okay. Get some hair oil on your hands (I use OGX Coconut Oil mist—this brand is also one of my favorites) and scrunch your hair one last time with it. Keep scrunching your hair, making sure to get every inch of your hair, until there is no more crunch.
That’s it! If you avoid washing your hair every day, this can quickly become a part of your weekly or biweekly routine, and after doing it a few times, you get quicker at it until it becomes second nature.
I am always trying new little things in my hair routine, but this is just what I have found works well when you do not want to make hair wash day an all day ordeal. I also encourage you to not necessarily use the specific brands I mentioned, but look for your own favorites, which takes time.
Your hair journey is always evolving, and you’re always learning more about it. Do not take these tips as rigid rules, take them as a starting point if you are starting your curly hair journey, or another idea if you are more experienced.