Design by Erin Reil
As some of you may or may not know, college kids aren’t the best at following directions. As a college kid, I can admit this. Whether it be the hassle of waiting for the crosswalk light, or the feeling of rebelling against a higher authority, there is always someone finding (at least) a minor law to break.
I don’t consider myself to be a law breaker, though I will forever be an avid jaywalker. I’ve always been an impatient person (blame my sister), so crosswalks are just something that I’ve come to ignore. Most of the time it isn’t even on purpose. It just becomes a burden to walk several different directions when I could just walk a straight diagonal line to begin with.
Though it’s convenient, jaywalking is considered illegal in the state of Kansas. If this doesn’t scare you enough, the penalty will. If you are caught jaywalking and therefore creating an unsafe environment for those around you, you may be given a citation and can be fined up to $250!
Now, I’m not saying that you’ll never catch me jaywalking again, but if you do, just keep walking…